Gerson Basics

My visit to The Gerson Institute

I attended the Gerson Basics Training back in October. I was curious to know more about the treatment my father had been interested in, and had followed to some degree, during his battle against cancer.

It was an emotional experience. As we dug into the protocols I felt an instant panic to change many personal habits and to clean my house out of the many toxins I had allowed in. It became quickly apparent that we are exposed to even more toxins than I had ever believed…

The Gerson Therapy consists of ensuring a full detox of all chemicals stored in our surroundings and bodies to allow the body to heal itself. Our bodies spend a lot of energy managing the daily influx of toxins and this energy must be directed to healing instead.

I felt a deep compassion for the courageous individuals who had chosen to take on this incredibly strict 2-year protocol. The protocol consists of removing all toxins from personal products and cleaning out your home of all environmental toxins. There is a strict diet of organic cold press juice, organic produce, special Hippocrates soup, coffee enemas, and a variety of supplements that are on a set schedule. Many who had followed the protocol, and won the battle, spoke of the isolation they felt due to the 8am-10pm schedules. But none said they would have done it any other way. They spoke of the empowerment they felt in knowing that they took self-responsibility and healed themselves and, that despite the cancer, many felt better than they had ever felt before.

On returning home I have made many changes to our environment. I got rid of all Teflon and aluminum pans, aluminum, avoid using the microwave, changed many personal products and avoid sleeping near my electronics. I am even more aware of what I consume and luckily I have access to organic cold press juice on a daily basis.
I don’t believe that we should wait for a diagnosis to make big changes in our lives.
Making small changes can add up to great benefits long term.

I would recommend looking at the Gerson site and any other alternative and natural protocols that lead towards wellness.

“You can’t keep one disease and heal two others-when the body heals, it heals everything” Charlotte Gerson (Food Matters Film)

We would like to start a ‘health discussion’ group, one that meets weekly or bi-weekly. Please let us know if you’re interested! Being a part of a healthy community goes a long way to staying on track with your health and wellness.

Email [email protected] for more information.

by The Juicery Co.